Monday, February 23, 2009

prayer request

Life got shook up for a good family today. A good friend at work had her husband admitted to the hospital today with breathing problems. Not like she doesn't have enough on her plate....two young kids....working nights part-time...Dad just diagnosised with cancer and starting stuff.....and now an ICU admission for her husband as he struggles for air.

Prayers for healing physcially of course but this family has been on my heart spiritually for a long time as well. Help me be a shining light through which they only see the true way and true comfort.

Friday, February 20, 2009

annual review I had my annual year review...sort of an impromptive thing when I cuaght my boss in her office as I was leaving work that morning... a full twelve hour night shift complete now sit in a comfy chair in a room stuffy room and listen to an evaluation of your performance. fun stuff. Lucky for me good things just thought I would share...on the section 'ways to improve' my boss wrote "Go full-time again" HA.
We can't all be perfect.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

my hassle

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........I dislike internet not working when you need it. I dislike certain company technicians wasting 45 of my precious cell phone minutes to fix their problem. I hate not knowing the source of the problem...the modem? the router? the computer? I despise people that make me feel stupid about things I do not know.

I realize I rely too much on the net to make my connections in life and watch all the important shows I miss on TV. Maybe I should take this as a lesson from God. What could my internet not working teach me? Maybe patience, maybe to focus more on people not computers, maybe to be in the world and not of it, maybe priorities, maybe....hum.

I would argue that online banking and bill pay is a must for me. I would also argue that I have online assignments and lectures posted and don't forget the timed quizzes to take...... so....FIX my internet!

When it is working I will post this! Why waste good blog venting even if here is no connection to the world wide web and I desperately need an update..........HA!