Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Reason for the Season

So today I was an awesome mentor and took my girl to a movie. That is right on a week night! Never would have happened in my house growing up. But those are different stories and times.

Later we were hanging out at the house and started discussing Christmas. She set out to make a list...which mind you is 3 pages and 23 items long. There is an elaborate star coding system involved in which each star equals "really". For example ***1. I-pad = I really really really want an I-pad or ** 20. Angry bird slippers = I really really want angry bird slippers. You get the picture?

 So in my attempt to be more mentor as YH would encourage I say you realize you can not get every thing on your list. She says I know I am hoping for at least 3 or 5. Fair enough I believe a girl can dream.

I continue and ask know the real reason we give gifts on Christmas? She say to celebrate the baby Jesus being born. Star pupil....until she continues....and Valentine's was made to celebrate the day God told Mary she was pregnant. I asked how did you come by this information. She replies some really religious kids in my class told us all that. It is true.

 FACT: I need to get this girl to Sunday School and start telling more Biblical stories.