Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 5: Museum Day

So Jodi was back to work for the day and I took off to explore the city. I specifically had all the Smithsonian Museums in so overwhelming! Here is a website to help plan your trip!

Here are a few pictures from the Natural History Museum. Such amazing and diverse exhibits there!

One of my favorite exhibitions there was an area called Written in Bone. They had question and answer time from real forensic anthropologist available. It was so awesome. The theme for the morning was a focus on Civil War anthropology and medicine. It is amazing to see how our techniques have changed or not changed much in different areas of medicine.

Here's a look at the American Indian Museum

I also made it to the Space and Air Museum which I really enjoyed. It was like a giant giant cosmosphere. Then off to a art and sculpture museum. Very exhausting but fun day of musuem touring!

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