Yikes I hate microbiology and it hates me as evident by my scores this exam! Prof just thought he would throw that section in "for fun"! I still don't see it in the study guide. grrrr I hate that! My dislike for microbiology stems back to an undergrad class at 7am in a stinky lab where the crazy prof would say "morning microbiologist" and I would always respond "I am a (soon-to-be-) nurse" He never liked the nursing students. Well I take that back...he seemed to enjoy torchering us.
Do people even look at GPAs anymore? It is my last year at school...my goal is to not focus on the numbers anyway... it is not about the numbers..its about the knowledge. AMEN.
If I am speaking honestly..my gpa can only fall..... (i know i know...I heard a lot of people throw up at little right then, but it matters to me...or it used to matter to me....remember I have a new goal!)
Thanks for all your prayers during the rough spots. I made it through and frankly I am not looking back!
Now it is time to celebrate the pumpkins and pumpkin season!!! Yippee