Friday, May 14, 2010

Tornado Warnings

What a week of weather...storms...storms...storms...

usually I love them but then I realized that was because I am usually in the comfort of my own home. Safe in a comfortable basement watching the radar. This week I have been confined in the concrete walls of the hospital. Work Work Work. In the middle of a tornado warning with sirens going off and the calming hospital operator over the intercom "We are in a tornado warning please move away from windows and towards the lower level." Humans just never cease to amaze me! Despite this the patients keep coming in...and for the smallest things... tooth pain and a rash...really folks? Get to your own shelter.

Wednesday night I was off work by 11pm...pouring rain finally stopped but left its devastation on West street and all around my house. I live on an island when it pours so hard. So after much internal debate and longing for my own bed...I parked poor low-riding-Lola the Corolla 2 blocks away and started hiking. I am sure I was a sight to shoes and a white lab coat over my head as the rain started again with random lightening in the sky. I walked in the middle of the street through knee high water. (Good thing I knew not to drive through it!) I think I am going to invest in monster truck tires and pimp my ride!

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