Tuesday, January 4, 2011

a new year

So to start off the New Year I resolute to not have any resolutions...

aka I have personal issues I don't want to deal with! Ha

So this morning I went to Panera for a breakfast date that ended up being with myself. I should really do that more often: date myself. So there I am eating my pecan roll and coffee...(coffee with more cream and sugar than coffee. The calories were probably just as much as the hot chocolate that I avoided because Panera has decided to list the calories next to the items...thanks Panera, THANKS!)

So anyways there I am catching up on emails and texting a good friend and I think to myself what a perfect time to update my blog. (A much needed update since my fans have been begging! You know who you are! Make a comment now. I dare you.)

Now what to blog about? I have had Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's since the last update. Count it... 3 major holidays and lots of stuff in between. So as my creative juices start to flow I pick up on a table conversation next to me," I am not worried about my swimming times....The beaver creek run was my best bike....I have been running a lot these last weeks...here are my times (enter impressive numbers I am sure)" As I sit there the pecan roll gets heavier and heavier on the way to my mouth. Dang these boys. Ruining a perfectly good date with myself. Off to the comforts of my warm house and comfy couch. Happy New Year to me!


Anonymous said...

How dare those boys take away a perfectly good "you" date. Glad you came over to mom and dads instead :) You got in a little workout too! Loved the update :)

alex said...

nice blog.. keep blogging..

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